What I'm Creating...

In February 2024 Mr. Bernson released an 8 song album on which I play bass guitar. The album is called "Blood Sugar Bangers" and can be listened to on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music and anywhere else. We will be playing a few gigs this spring!

How I'm Making Money...

I work full time as a Senior Electrical Engineer at a clean energy startup called Rejoule. I develop hardware and software for a diagnostic tool that helps repurpose and/or recycle used EV batteries.

What I'm Listening To...

Lately it's either metal bands I was into during high school or funk. LAX is too catchy, it really gets in your ear.

When I need some laughs or inspiration, I'm listening to the following podcasts.

What I'm Watching...

I got to catch up on a few movies from last year on a recent plane ride to London. All of them rocked. I've also been watching The Crown with Jess which is a slow burn but I always enjoy it by the end of the episode.

What I'm Reading

My mom recommended me this one after hearing about all my training and travels to hike Mt. Whitney last year. I'm loving the writing so far, excited to keep going.